Club claims are for members and their guests only.
Some claims listed belong to members of the club that allow us to go there and prospect for a small fee. Please be courteous and respect the claim owner(s)
We do not publish the exact locations of our claims online,
We do not want non club members ruining our claims
For information on locations please contact an officer or purchase a claims guide at the next meeting.
These are the only two claims we can be on in Idaho now.
Idaho Claim #1B Silver City
Idaho Claim #1C Silver City Lamar
(Water flows until mid-late summer. All Idaho Claims work best with Dredging however, sluice box's and good old panning still work. NO HIGHBANKING ALLOWED. Make sure you file for your dredging permit before working.)
Nevada Claim #1 Carrot Top
(This is a private claim, please contact owner before prospecting. Andy & Lois (775-934-8986) Some water in early spring, best for metal detecting or dry washing. Take plenty of drinking water with you.)
Utah Claim #2 Sevier Lower
Utah Claim #2A Sevier Camp
Utah Claim #2B Upper Sevier (Red Dog)
(Good Water In the Spring, Sluice and good old pan work, Dredging permitted with proper paperwork. NO HIGHBANKING)
We are always looking for new/more claims for the club, if you know of an area that you think would be suitable for the club to claim.
With all claims, Please leave the place cleaner than what you found it.
Please complete the claim worksheet after going to a claim, it helps us maintain and prove that work is being completed on the claims.